Sandra presents at Dwell on Design NY alongside David Scott Parker and Carlos Perez San Martin to discuss the restoration of the Williamsburg Savings Bank
Check out Sandra Spannan’s feature on the Architectural League of NY’s website in connection with the 2014 Beaux Arts Ball themed: CRAFT!
We won both the Lucy G. Moses award for Excellence in Historic Preservation as well as the New York Preservation League’s Excellence in Preservation Award for our work in restoring the Williamsburgh Savings Bank.
A sweet mention in on for our signage painting at Hamilton’s Soda Fountain, a luncheonette in the West Village

We’re also very honored and proud to have been involved with the restoration of the historic Williamsburg Savings Bank:
- An article in the New York Times about our work, with a beautiful slideshow featuring our vault and dome restorations
- A HARLEM BESPOKE article discussing our mural and restoration work
- and Curbed NY both featured photographs of our work
Check out our latest work in the newly revived Diamond Horseshoe Club at NYC’s beautiful Paramount Hotel
- An article by HARLEM BESPOKE
- NYTimes article with image featuring our gilded dome
- An article in Architectural Digest with image featuring our gilded ceiling design work
See. Gold in the press:
- http://harlembespoke.blogspot.
com/p/renovations.html -
blog/2012/09/check-out-the- painted-dome-at-the-wburg- savings-bank -
sandra-spannan-artist-profile- production-design-team-bcp - http://www.societyofgilders.
org/?offset=29&action=gallary -